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We need representatives who truly care about our working families, education, seniors & the disabled, our environment and natural resources.

It’s an honor and privilege to serve the East Bay communities of Bristol & Prudence Island. I will continue to work tirelessly to write and/or pass legislation that brings good public policy to our communities and State. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, ideas, concerns or problems that you may have. I’ll do my best to help you.

In the 2024 session I have continued my service as:

  • Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee

  • Member of Oversight, Education and Veteran’s Affairs Committees

  • Member of the Long-Term Care Coordinating Council and the Integrated Coordinating Council for Early Intervention

Legislative Updates

To read a synopsis of legislation passed in 2023 click here, 2022 click here.

A full summary of the highlights of the 2021 legislative accomplishments can be found here.

I am proud to have been the primary sponsor of two bills that became law in 2023.

  • H-6179 Provides all Medicare recipients over 65 years of age applying for a Medicare supplement plan guaranteed issue rights regardless of medical or health or receipt of health care by the applicant.

  • H-6375 Establishes a new, temporary process in DCYF for the hiring of social workers and child protective investigators at the department for a one year period commencing on October 1, 2023.

I was the primary sponsor of two bills that became law in 2022

  • H7140 FEMININE HYGIENE PRODUCT DONATION ACT (Provides for immunity provisions for persons involved in donating feminine hygiene products to charitable or nonprofit organizations.

  • H-7754 AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- HISTORIC PRESERVATION TAX CREDITS 2013 (Extends the expiration of the Historic Preservation Tax Credits program from June 30, 2022, to June 30, 2023.)

I was the primary sponsor of five bills that became law in 2021.

  • House Bill 5261 addresses wage discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex or orientation and expands employee protections and the scope of remedies available to those who have experienced such discrimination. The current Equal Pay for Equal Work legislation had not been updated in over 50 years. This Pay Equity Legislation is predicted to be a model for the nation.

  • Plastic waste continues to be a problem for our offshore fishermen, the environment and wildlife. House Bill 5376A banning the intentional release of helium balloons attempts to mitigate some of this harmful, unsightly waste.

  • House Bill 5370 will protect the health care privacy of all- including young adults on parents’ insurance policies and survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

  • House Bill 6210A protects patient’s health by making the electronic sharing of health records more effective throughout our healthcare systems.

A Highlight of 2022- FLAD

Our group with the President of the Republic of Portugal, the Ambassador from the US, Congressman Costa and the Director of FLAD

In May of 2022 I had the honor and privilege to travel to Lisbon, Portugal for the second time to attend FLAD (Luso American Development Foundation) which brings together American politicians of Portuguese descent elected to Congress or the General Assemblies of Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The foundation is a bridge between the two countries, focusing on Science, Education, Culture and Transatlantic Relations.

On the first day we met the new US Ambassador to Portugal, Randi Levine. She spoke about her vision for the relationship between the two countries, and highlighted the importance that Portuguese-American politicians play in this role.

The day ended with a meeting with the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who underlined the crucial role of FLAD and stressed that the war in Ukraine demonstrated how united the United States and Europe are.

On day 2 we had the opportunity to visit the Portuguese Parliament and meet with the President of the Parliment, Augusto Santos Silva.

During the afternoon, we met with João Goulão (General Director for Intervention on Addictive Behaviors and Dependencies) who spoke of the Portuguese experience in responding to the problem of drug use in Portugal which has made Portugal an example for the whole world.

There were many more conversations with political and business leaders throughout the 2 day conference. This experience is an example of how closely connected our two countries are through generations of immigrants to the US.

It was an honor to meet Portugal’s “Drug Czar” João Goulão

Presenting a Proclamation from the Town of Bristol to FLAD’s directors.

Next Coffee and Conversation with Representatives Donovan & Speakman at Rogers Free Library February 3, 2024

If you are experiencing difficulties with any State agencies, programs or Unemployment Insurance, please reach out to me at Susandonovanbristol@gmail.com or 253-7837.

If someone you know is behind on rent and/or utilities find more information at: RentReliefRI | RIHousing